January 15, 2018

Pop-up workshop on Peterborough Street open for 2018!

Happy new year!

Want to come and learn to make things from tī kōuka/cabbage tree leaves? Free sessions begin again this week on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 12-4pm in our Pop-Up container workshop at 100 Peterborough Street, opposite the Peterborough Street Library. 
Bring your sunscreen & water, and don't wear your best clothes! Suitable for all ages. 

Thanks to Christchurch City Council and their Enliven Places Programme, and to Life in Vacant Spaces for making this possible.

October 30, 2017

Free Resourceful Skills Workshops at our Pop-Up Workshop 100 Peterborough Street

Delighted to be open again at our Resourceful Ōtautahi Pop-Up Workshop at 100 Peterborough Street, opposite the Peterborough Street Library, central Christchurch city. 

We will be there offering free workshops on Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 12 to 4pm. And other session times are available for booking by groups. These workshops compliment the other workshops we offer at Ferrymead Heritage Park, there are more details here about those.

These workshops give you the opportunity to come and spend time in the central city, learning skills that put undervalued natural resources into use. You can learn to make string and weave with tī kōuka or cabbage tree leaves, or carve a peg from a stick, or even once you're practiced your whittling skills you could carve a spoon, and build up to make some larger objects. We will support you to safely and successfully learn new resourceful skills.

These workshops have been wonderfully supported by Christchurch City Council, TreeTech, Mackleys, Containers & More, Four Seasons Tree Care, and Life in Vacant Spaces.

We could not be more grateful to the Christchurch City Council for enabling these resourceful experiences in our city.

October 06, 2017

Rekindle's journey towards Resourcefulness in 6 minutes & 40 seconds

On September 26th 2017, Pecha Kucha Christchurch ran their largest night yet to coincide with the Social Enterprise World Forum in Christchurch. Rekindle's Founder Juliet Arnott was invited to share her journey. This is the first time Juliet had publicly spoken about her journey towards resourcefulness.

September 18, 2017

Rekindle at Social Enterprise World Forum

From 27-29th September 2017 the Social Enterprise World Forum (SEWF) is coming to Ōtautahi Christchurch. This will be a wonderful few days.

Rekindle is involved in the Forum in the following ways:

  1. Pecha Kucha: Juliet Arnott, Founder & Director of Rekindle is speaking about resourcefulness and her 'why' at Purpose - Pecha Kucha on Tuesday 26th September 2017 
  2. Kahikatea Taonga: We have been commissioned to carve a taonga from local Kahikatea (we saved this precious wood from becoming wood-chip when it was being cut down in the Canterbury University grounds). This taonga will be gifted to SEWF at the closing ceremony and will travel with the forum to each host country from now on.
  3. Visit Rekindle Resourceful Skills Pop-up Workshop: We are running open sessions from 11.30 to 1.30pm each day from Monday 25th to Friday 29th September 2017 at our Resourceful Skills Pop-up Workshop in the central city at 100 Peterborough Street. This is your chance to drop in and see resourceful crafts being practiced e.g. Hazel being made into clothes pegs, string & rope being made from Tī Kōuka leaves, and greenwood-working. We'll also have some of our wares for sale. 
  4. At the Forum: Juliet Arnott speaking in the Enterprise of Waste Minimisation session at SEWF on Friday 29th September 2017 from 10.30am to 12.00pm 
  5. Open Evening: Visit our workshop at Ferrymead Heritage Park on Saturday 30th September from 4 to 6pm and at 4.30pm hear about our work and see resourceful skills being practiced. Please book your place by sending an email to emma@rekindle.org.nz
July 30, 2017

Our new workshop premises at Ferrymead Heritage Park

It is wonderful to have nearly set-up the equipment we need for greenwood-working and weaving and other resourceful crafts, in our new workshop space at Ferrymead Heritage Park. We have taken up residence in the Albert Hall, which sits over the railway lines from the train station. 
And not too long now til we're ready to run workshops! Can't wait to invite you all in!
All the equipment in the workshop is made with reclaimed timber, using traditional designs adapted by Richard Hare. All made by the team: Trent Hiles, Greg Quinn, Douglas Horrell, Ruben Hamblett, Ruben Hull, Gemma Stratton, Kerry Mulligan et al. All for our initiative Resourceful Ōtautahi which is all about creating what we need from what we have. 
Please join our newsletter/mailing list below to be kept informed about the coming workshop programme.
July 16, 2017

Resourceful weaving skills passed on to Richmond Community Gardeners

Super lovely to help with a workshop yesterday all about weaving willow/hazel to create planter bed edges, with the awesome crew at Richmond Community Garden. Such an exciting project. 
We'll be running a public workshop in mid August if you'd like to learn too!

It's a wonderful feeling to make the most of the resources we have #resourcefulōtautahi

A work in progress, look forward to showing you the finished article!


June 29, 2017

Christchurch City Council supports Rekindle's Resourceful Ōtautahi initiative

29th June 2017

We are SO delighted to receive this grant from Christchurch City Council for our Resourceful Ōtautahi initiative. This grant will enable us to deliver a series of free public workshops in the central city at our pop-up craft workshop at 100 Peterborough Street.
Resourceful Ōtautahi is all about using craft and local resources to experience how good it feels to be resourceful, and to feel that we can make what we need from what we have, together.

We have a few bits and pieces to organise and then these workshops will be announced. More soon!

We are super grateful to Christchurch City Council, Life in Vacant Spaces, Trent Hiles, Mackleys, Containers & More and TreeTech for making Resourceful Ōtautahi possible. 

March 23, 2017

Resourceful Ōtautahi: Resourceful Skills Workshops are underway!

It is with more delight than words can say, that I share with you the news that our Resourceful Skills Workshops are underway in central Ōtautahi Christchurch. To begin we are running workshops that focus on skills that enable functional use of cabbage tree/tī kōuka leaves from 10am to 2pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays. This includes string and rope making, basket and mat weaving.

These workshops are open to anyone, and over time we will be increasing the hours that these workshops are available. Resourceful Ōtautahi wouldn't be what it is without the generous support of Christchurch City Council, Life in Vacant Spaces, Trent Hiles, Mackleys, Containers & More and TreeTech.

Keep in touch with, and book the available workshops here

Ruby & Alice with Pip the dog and Alice's beautiful tī kōuka basket

Our first day of string-making on the Resourceful Ōtautahi site, 100 Peterborough Street, Ōtautahi Christchurch. 

November 01, 2016

Resourcefulness & Zero Waste at FESTA 2016

What a wonderful weekend! Over 16,000 visitors to the Zero Waste Ōtautahi site!

September 20, 2016