Based in Mohua Golden Bay, Gemma works predominantly as a brush maker. She majored in sculpture at the University of Canterbury’s School of Fine Arts where her practice focused on making tools and devices to assist her colleagues with their work. She weaves her long-held dedication to resourcefulness into everything she does. Gemma is teaching hand brush, pencil brush, whisk brush, and wreath-making.
Image above by Justyn Denney.
Gemma has spent months developing ways to make useful functional brushes from exposed tī kōuka fibre and local hazel for handles. She is now sharing these skills in our workshop programme.
Image 1 & 4 by Alex Yerks
An Orkney-style chair made by our Rekindle collective, with tī kōuka or cabbage tree leaf back woven by Gemma.
Images by Justyn Denney.
A workshop Gemma developed for younger children to be able to play and create with the tī kōuka leaves.