A short film created by Ash Robinson of dollarmixbag, this documentary tells the story of the beginnings of Rekindle in Christchurch.
"Rekindle is a social enterprise that is on a mission to create a culture of zero waste wood in New Zealand. This vision is being driven by Juliet Arnott, an occupational therapist, who has combined her artistic and sustainable values with a belief in the therapeutic benefits that result when people use their hands to create something from nothing. Juliet believes that participation in this meaningful and creative work has the potential to transform lives, and the involvement of Christchurch youth forms an important part of her vision for Rekindle as it grows.
I heard Juliet speaking in Auckland at a ‘Green Drinks’ event, and was immediately captivated by the Rekindle idea and the visual beauty of the furniture. I decided to create this short documentary to help spread the Rekindle message. This is particularly important right now in Christchurch, with 6000 demolitions slated to happen over the next four years.
Shot on a Canon 5DII & 60D, with Canon f4 24-105 and a collection of older nikon primes.
Glidetrack slider, Lowel lights...
edited with Final Cut Studio"
Ash Robinson, January 2013.